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Gm7, Fm7, Em7, Dm7, Cm7, Bm7, Am7
2020-11-14 04:50:32
Bm7, Bm, Am7, Am, Gm7, Gm, Fm7, Fm, Em7, Em, Dm7, Dm, Cm7, Cm
2020-10-23 17:10:45
Dmaj7, A7, E7, Cmaj7, C, Gm7, Fm7, Em7, Dm7, Cm7, Bm7, Am7
2020-10-17 06:50:13
G7, F7, F7maj5
2020-10-15 06:23:41
Dm7, Bm7, D7, Am7, E7
2020-10-11 15:54:37
D/Bb, Cmaj7, Am, Dm, D, G, Cmaj7, C7, Em, Am
2020-10-11 06:15:03
A, Gm, Fm, Em, Dm, Cm, Bm, Am
2020-10-10 19:11:28
Bm7, Bm, Am7, Am, Gm7, Gm, Fm7, Fm, Em7, Em, Dm7, Dm, Cm7, Cm
2020-10-03 23:47:42
Am, Dm, D, G, Cmaj7, C7, Em, Am
2020-10-03 03:42:01
C, Gm, Fm, Em
2020-09-28 22:30:29
Dm7, Dmaj7, Dm7, Gm7, Fm7, Em7, Dm7, Cm7, Bm7, Am7
2020-09-26 06:58:45
G#/Ab, Bm, Fm, Bm, Am, Gm, Fm, Em, Dm, Cm
2020-09-23 22:18:13
Gm7, Fm7, Em7, Dm7, Cm7, Bm7, Am7
2020-09-10 02:15:36
Bm7, D7, Am7, E7
2020-09-07 01:00:15
G, A/C#, C, E7, E7, A/C#, Gm, Fm, Em, Dm, Cm, Bm, Am
2020-08-22 14:58:26
Gadd9, Fadd9, Eadd9, Dadd9, Cadd9, Badd9, Aadd9
2020-08-13 22:34:24
A, Gm7, Fm7, Em7, Dm7, Cm7, Bm7, Am7
2020-08-10 07:10:33
C, Em/C#, C, Gm, Fm, Em, Dm, Cm, Bm, Am
2020-08-07 16:37:06
Asus, Cmaj7, D, A/F#, Am, Dm, D, G, Cmaj7, C7, Em, Am
2020-08-04 06:34:20
D7, D, Dmaj9, Dmaj7, Dadd9, D6add9, Dsus, Daug, Ddim, Dmaj9, Dmaj7, Dm9, Dm7, Dm6, D13, D11, D9, D7, D6, Dm, D
2020-08-01 17:06:57
G, C
2020-07-28 17:53:55
Gm, Fm, Em, Dm, Cm, Bm, Am
2020-07-27 03:14:36